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världen denom (#37467)

  • Colnect-1873-955-Island-in-the-Sun.jpg
  • Colnect-1873-958-Peacock-Butterfly-Inachis-io.jpg
  • Colnect-4282-923-Leo.jpg
  • Colnect-2721-573-Julius-Sundblom-150th-Birth-Anniversary.jpg
Desc: världen

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms used by Åland Islands: 1 klass (24), 2 klass (3), 2nd class (3), EUROPA (41), Inrikes (25), JULPOST (17), Lokalpost (23), VARLDEN (40)
Only used by others: (undenom) (2), +0.251 (9), 18Fr (1), 1internationaal (90), 1lk/kl (545), 1Nederland (173), (139), 1wereld (1), 20 grams (1), 20g (47), 20yp (34), 2Cs (10), 2lk/kl (82), (4), A (457), A 20g (5), A prior (1), A zona 1 (2), A zona 2 (1), A zona 3 (1), A2 (18), A20g (16), A20g. (2), aangetekend (1), AR (1), ATR50g (8), B (241), B 20g (14), B 50g (3), B zona 1 (4), B zona 1 50g (1), B zona 2 (9), B zona 2 50g (1), B zona 3 (1), B zona 3 50g (1), C (145), circle 1 (756), circle 1 Europe (157), circle 1 world (48), circle 2 (259), circle 3 (5), circle 3 Europe (22), circle 3 world (10), circle 5 (1), circle 7 (1), Correio Azul (1), D (78), December (101), E 20g (15), E20g (61), E20g. (12), E20gr (2), E50g (14), Ecopli (4), ECOPLI 20 g (1), Ecopli 20g (3), Écopli 20g (1), Europa1 (6), Europe (2), Europe 20g (8), globe 1 (28), globe 3 (5), I 20g (8), I 20grs. (1), I20g (19), I20g. (4), Internacional (1), International (2), L50g (45), Lettere prioritaire 20g (12), Lettre 20g (67), Lettre 50g (2), Lettre prioritaire (138), Lettre prioritaire 100g (3), Lettre prioritaire 20g (565), Lettre prioritaire 250g (3), Lettre prioritaire 50g (5), Lettre verde (674), Lettre verde 20g (11), Lettre verte (131), Lettre verte 100g (2), Lettre verte 20g (362), Lettre verte 250g (2), Lettre verte 50g (2), lowest inland weight (2), lowest overseas wieght category (3), M50g (2), Monde (10), MONDE 20 g (1), Monde 20g (13), N (138), N 20grs. (1), N20g (66), N20g. (33), None (1), Noneº (144), Postcard Worldwide (61), Prior (22), Prioritaire 20g (6), Priority (2), Recommandé (8), Registered Domestic (1), Registered lowest inland weight (1), RP (2), Standard e (1), Standard Inland (1), Standard Welt (1), stars 1 (72), stars 3 (17), T1 100g (1), T1 50g (5), T2 100g (1), T2 20g (2), T2 500g (1), T2 50g (40), TVP (16), Valeur permanente (3), Variablee (18), W (35), Wereld1 (7), World 20g (1)
Unused: T2

Users of this denom: Åland Islands (4 stamps, 2013-2015)

Used by 4 stamps of Åland Islands: (See all uses as list)

7/12/2013 världen issue=Music festivals 2013 d=Island in the Sun perf=13
8/20/2013 världen issue=Sepac d=Inachis io perf=13
2/2/2015 världen issue=Sailing ships 2015 dt=sailing ships (2015) d=Leo (ship)
6/22/2015 världen issue=Julius Sundblom 150th Birth Anniversary perf=13