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3.59€ denom (#36538)

  • MT009.15.jpg
  • MT016.15.jpg
  • MT004.16.jpg
  • MT023.16.jpg
  • MT001.17.jpg
  • MT038.17.jpg
Desc: 3.59€

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 21540

Users of this denom: Malta (6 stamps, 2015-2017)

Used by 6 stamps of Malta: (See all uses as list)

4/25/2015 3.59€ issue=ANZAC Centenary
7/9/2015 3.59€ issue=Euromed Postal 2015
7/9/2016 3.59€ d=lampuka (Coryphaena hippurus)
9/15/2016 3.59€ issue=Maritime Malta Series IV d=HMS Hastings
1/12/2017 3.59€ issue=2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union
9/29/2017 3.59€ issue=Maritime Malta Series V d=Third rate model

All are wmk=Maltese cross mult