Desc: 90gr
Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)
Numerical sorting value: 5400
Equivalent denoms: 90g (50)
Users of this denom: Poland (11 stamps, 1951-1998)
Used by 11 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)
postage due 3/15/1951 90gr lilbrn issue=1951 due perf=12x12.5
airmail 4/10/1952 90gr grn issue=1952 air d=Ilyushin Il-12 flying over plough land perf=12.25x12.5
airmail 4/10/1952 90gr grn issue=1952 air d=Ilyushin Il-12 flying over plough land imperf
postage due 4/3/1953 90gr redbrn issue=1953 due d=Polish eagle 1953 (no imprint) perf=12x12.5
airmail 12/6/1957 90gr blk&rose issue=1957 air
4/26/1979 90gr issue=Fish and Environmental Protection d=Perca fluviatilis perf=11.75x11.5
12/22/1981 90gr dt=flowering succulent plants d=Epiphyllopsis gaertneri
3/3/1998 90gr dt=Polish Country Estates d=Oborach perf=11.5x11.75
3/31/1998 90gr dt=Polish royalty (1986) d=Zygmunt III perf=10.75x11
4/30/1998 90gr d=Israel 98 perf=Syncopated 11.5
12/24/1998 90gr issue=Adam Mickiewicz 200th d=Burning candles cross