Desc: 80p
Currency: Jordanian dinar (1000f=100p=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 48000
Users of this denom: Jordan (18 stamps, 2008-2020)
Used by 18 stamps of Jordan: (See all uses as list)
9/22/2008 80p issue=Musical Instruments 2008 dt=musical instruments (2008) wmk=HKJ
11/15/2008 80p issue=Flowers 2008 dt=flowers (2008 Jordan) wmk=HKJ
11/15/2008 80p issue=Quseir Amra wmk=HKJ
2/1/2009 80p issue=Birds 2009 dt=birds (2009 Jordan) d=Sinai rosefinch (2009) wmk=HKJ
3/1/2009 80p issue=Historical Costumes 2009 dt=Historical Costumes (2009) wmk=HKJ
3/1/2009 80p issue=Arabian Coffee Tools dt=Arabian Coffee Tools wmk=HKJ
12/13/2009 80p issue=Insects 2009 dt=insects (2009 Jordan) d=grasshopper wmk=HKJ
12/20/2009 80p issue=2009 surcharges d=++on=200fr-No. 797 wmk=HKJ
12/20/2009 80p issue=2009 surcharges d=++on=25fr wmk=HKJ
12/20/2009 80p issue=2009 surcharges d=++on=180fr-No. 796 wmk=HKJ
12/20/2009 80p issue=2009 surcharges d=++on=120fr-No. 795 wmk=HKJ
1/23/2012 80p issue=Preserve the Polar Regions & Glaciers wmk=HKJ
7/9/2014 80p issue=EUROMED 2014 wmk=HKJ
12/13/2015 80p issue=Banknotes d=50 Dinar 2002 wmk=HKJ
7/20/2017 80p issue=2017 Surcharges wmk=HKJ
6/16/2019 80p issue=Jerusalem Capital of Palestine wmk=HKJ
9/10/2019 80p issue=20th Anniversary of the Express Mail Service wmk=HKJ
3/1/2020 80p issue=King Abdullah 2019 Lamp Peace Award