Desc: 25£
Currency: Syrian pound (10000c=100pia=100p=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 0
Equivalent denoms: 10£ (50), 15£ (13), 17£ (49), 1700£ (1), 18£ (41), 1800£ (1), 3£ (2), 5£ (2), 50£ (7)
Unused: 0
Users of this denom: Syria (19 stamps, 1994-2001)
Used by 19 stamps of Syria: (See all uses as list)
11/16/1994 25£ issue=24th Anniversary of Revolution of 16 November 1970 d=President Hafis al-Assad
3/8/1996 25£ issue=33rd Anniversary of March Revolution
4/17/1996 25£ issue=50th Anniversary of Evacuation of British and French Troops from Syria
4/17/1996 25£ issue=50th Anniversary of Evacuation of British and French Troops from Syria
7/19/1996 25£ issue=100th Anniversary of Modern Olympic Games and Olympic Games
4/3/1997 25£ issue=50th Anniversary of Baath Arab Socialist Party
6/22/1998 25£ issue=World Cup 1998
9/26/1998 25£ issue=Arab Post Day 1998
11/16/1998 25£ issue=28th Anniversary of Revolution of 16 November 1970
3/8/1999 25£ issue=36th Anniversary of March Revolution
3/8/1999 25£ issue=36th Anniversary of March Revolution
11/16/1999 25£ issue=29th Anniversary of Revolution of 16 November 1970
4/17/2000 25£ issue=50th Anniversary of the Evacuation of the British and French Troops
10/1/2000 25£ issue=Olympics 2000
1/2/2001 25£ issue=50th Anniversary of Engineer Syndicate
3/8/2001 25£ issue=38th Anniversary of March Revolution
3/8/2001 25£ issue=9th Agricultural Congress
4/17/2001 25£ issue=55th Anniversary of Evacuation of British and French Troops from Syria
10/17/2001 25£ issue=Arab Document Day 2001