Desc: 1800p
Currency: Syrian pound (10000c=100pia=100p=1lb) Numerical sorting value: 180000 Equivalent denoms: 18lb (2) Users of this denom: Syria (6 stamps, 1994) Used by 6 stamps of Syria: (See all uses as list) 4/17/1994 1800p issue=48th Anniversary of Evacuation of British and French Troops from Syria 5/1/1994 1800p issue=Mother's Day 1994 8/3/1994 1800p issue=22nd International Flower Show 8/3/1994 1800p issue=22nd International Flower Show 8/3/1994 1800p issue=22nd International Flower Show 8/3/1994 1800p issue=41st International Fair |