Prev: 4000m (Mozambican metical)
Next: 4550mt (Mozambican metical)

4500mt denom (#34168)

  • Colnect-5128-794-Basenji.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-793-Shetland-sheepdog.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-809-Siberian-Husky.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-808-Saluki.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-807-Australian-Shepherd.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-805-Japanese-Spitz.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-804-Schweizer-Laufhund.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-802-Jacck-Russell-terrier.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-798-Spinone-Italiano.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-797-Shar-Pei.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-796-St-Bernard.jpg
  • Colnect-5128-795-Poodle.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-321-Hebomoia-glaucippe.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-349-Zinina-otis.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-332-Arhopala-amantes.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-333-Mesene-phareus.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-334-Euploea-mulciber.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-335-Heliconius-ricini.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-337-Euphaedra-neophron.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-338-Catopsilia-florella.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-339-Charaxes-bohemani.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-340-Junonia-orithya.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-341-Colotis-danae.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-342-Eurytela-dryope.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-344-Papilio-demodocus.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-345-Kallimoides-rumia.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-346-Danaus-chrysippus.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-347-Palla-ussheri.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-348-Hypolimnas-salmacis.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-324-Catocala-ilia.jpg
  • Colnect-2464-648-Scarlet-Tiger-Callimorpha-dominula.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-309-Tisiphone-abeone.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-310-Pseudacraea-boisduvali.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-311-Mylothris-chloris.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-313-Mimacraea-marshalli.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-314-Gonepteryx-cleopatra.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-316-Palla-ussheri.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-323-Thauria-aliris.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-331-Anteos-clorinde.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-325-Colotis-danae.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-326-Agrias-claudia.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-327-Euploe-core.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-328-Scoptes-alphaeus.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-330-Phoebis-philea.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-317-Hypolimnas-salmacis.jpg
  • Colnect-5089-318-Pereute-leucodrosime.jpg
Desc: 4500mt

Currency: Mozambican metical (100c=1mtn=1mt=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 27000000

Users of this denom: Mozambique (49 stamps, 2000)

Used by 49 stamps of Mozambique: (See all uses as list)

3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
3/29/2000 4500mt issue=Dogs of the World d=Canis familiaris (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Phoebis philea (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Zinina otis
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Anteos clorinde (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Arhopala amantes
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Mesene phareus (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Euploea mulciber (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Heliconius ricini (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Euphaedra neophron (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Catopsilia florella (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Charaxes bohemani (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Junonia orithya (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Colotis danae (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Eurytela dryope
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Papilio demodocus (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Kallimoides rumia (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Danaus chrysippus (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Palla ussheri (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Hypolimnas salmacis (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Colotis danae (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Callimorpha dominula (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Tisiphone abeone (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Pseudacraea boisduvali (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Mylothris chloris (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Papilio glaucus (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Mimacraea marshalli (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Gonepteryx cleopatra (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Thauria aliris
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Catocala ilia
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Hebomoia glaucippe (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Agrias claudia (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Euploea core (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Scoptes alphaeus
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Palla ussheri (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Hypolimnas salmacis (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Pereute leucodrosime (2000 Mozambique)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Anteos clorinde (2000)
4/28/2000 4500mt issue=Butterflies of the World d=Colias eurytheme (2000 Mozambique)

All are perf=14.25