Desc: 1.05nis
Currency: Israeli shekel (100ag=100a=1nis=1is=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 6300
Users of this denom: Israel (9 stamps, 1996)
Used by 9 stamps of Israel: (See all uses as list)
2/20/1996 1.05nis issue=3000th Anniversary of City of David b
2/20/1996 1.05nis dt=Sport (1996)
4/17/1996 1.05nis issue=75th Anniversary of Manufacturers' Association
4/17/1996 1.05nis issue=Memorial Day 1996
6/25/1996 1.05nis issue=Israeli Fruit Production
6/25/1996 1.05nis issue=Olympics 1996
6/25/1996 1.05nis issue=50th Anniversary of the 11 Negev Settlements
9/3/1996 1.05nis issue=Festivals 1996 dt=paintings by Sahar Pick
9/3/1996 1.05nis issue=75th Anniversary of Public Works Department