Desc: 5.20cr
Currency: Brazilian cruzeiro (100cts=100c=1cr)
Numerical sorting value: 31200
Users of this denom: Brazil (7 stamps, 1975-1976)
Used by 7 stamps of Brazil: (See all uses as list)
11/19/1975 5.20cr issue=2nd International Telecommunications Conference perf=11.75
1/21/1976 5.20cr blk&viogray issue=Concorde's First Commercial Flight
3/10/1976 5.20cr blk<org issue=100th Anniversary of the Telephone perf=11x11.5
5/21/1976 5.20cr org&blk issue=Olympics 1976 perf=11.75
8/21/1976 5.20cr issue=27th International Military Athletics Championships perf=11.75
9/21/1976 5.20cr issue=20th International Atomic Energy Conference perf=11.75
10/4/1976 5.20cr issue=750th Anniversary of the Death of Saint Francis of Assisi perf=11x11.5