Desc: 55p
Currency: Colombian peso (100c=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 330000
Users of this denom: Colombia (8 stamps, 1985-1989)
Used by 8 stamps of Colombia: (See all uses as list)
8/29/1985 55p dt=fauna (1985) d=Momotus momota (1985) perf=12
airmail 6/13/1986 55p issue=International Peace Year perf=12.75x13
airmail 7/1/1986 55p issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II perf=13x12.75
airmail 7/29/1986 55p issue=Completion of El Cerrejon Coal Complex perf=12
8/5/1986 55p issue=arms of Antioquia d=arms of Antioquia perf=12
8/18/1989 55p blk issue=Nature Conservation 1989 d=Phenacosaurus indenenae wmk=rectangles perf=14.25x14
airmail 8/18/1989 55p dkol issue=Human Rights 1989 d=family wmk=rectangles perf=14.25x14
airmail 12/27/1989 55p issue=Christmas 1989 perf=12