Desc: 35p
Currency: Colombian peso (100c=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 210000
Users of this denom: Colombia (8 stamps, 1981-1988)
Used by 8 stamps of Colombia: (See all uses as list)
airmail 12/1/1981 35p issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Manuel Restrepo perf=12
airmail 8/4/1982 35p issue=Tourism 1982 d=Government building in Pereira perf=12
airmail 9/9/1983 35p issue=450th Anniversary of Cartagena
11/16/1987 35p issue=Social Security and Communications perf=14
12/24/1987 35p issue=Nature Conservation 1987 d=Pseudemys scripta wmk=rectangles perf=14x14.25
5/12/1988 35p redpur issue=40th Anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights wmk=rectangles perf=14.25x14
8/6/1988 35p dkorg issue=Nature Conservation 1988 d=Procyon cancrivorus wmk=rectangles perf=14x14.25
9/20/1988 35p blkol issue=Nature Conservation 1988 d=Monachus tropicalis (1988) wmk=rectangles perf=14x14.25