Prev: 34.50b (Venezuelan bolívar)
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35b denom (#32486)

  • Colnect-2995-787-Galeandra-minax.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-788-Oncidium-falcipetalum.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-789-Lophiaris-lanceana.jpg
  • Colnect-1096-194-Ezequiel-Zamora.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-786-Chrysocycnis-schlimii.jpg
  • Colnect-534-695-FEDECAMARAS-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-534-696-Luis-Gonzalo-Marturet.jpg
  • Colnect-534-697-Anniversary-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-3819-214-Birth-of-Christ-19th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-3819-227-Adoration-of-the-shepherds-17th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-3816-710-The-Nativity-by-follower-of-Jose-Lorenzo-de-Alvarado.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-047-The-Nativity-by-Follower-of-Jos%C3%A9-L-de-Alvarado.jpg
  • Colnect-3052-150-Top-of-Equestrian-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-3052-151-Botton-of-Equestrian-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-536-445-Post-office-van.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-448-Academic-Education.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-447-Sport-Education.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-449-Citizen-Education.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-798-Paphinia-lindeniana.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-802-Huntleya-lucida.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-801-Mormodes-cartonii.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-799-Coryanthes-bruchmuelleri.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-797-Maxillaria-guareimensis.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-800-Catasetum-pileatum.jpg
  • Colnect-3051-418-Hospital-Care.jpg
  • Colnect-3051-419-Lifesaving.jpg
  • Colnect-3051-420-Youth.jpg
  • Colnect-5109-067-Morichal.jpg
  • Colnect-536-438-Guahibo-shaman-with-child.jpg
  • Colnect-536-437-Guahibo-people-one-playing-flute.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-037-Ricardo-Zuloaga-Early-Pioneer.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-038-El-Encantado-Electric-Plant.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-039-Caracas-Electric-Sub-Station.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-040-Electric-Lamp-posts-Congress-of-the-Republic.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-041-Electric-Lamp-posts-Bol%C3%ADvar-Square.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-042-Electric-Train-Trams.jpg
  • Colnect-3816-638-Angel-appearing-to-shepherds.jpg
  • Colnect-4745-817-Buscando-posada.jpg
Desc: 35b

Currency: Venezuelan bolívar (100c=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 210000

Users of this denom: Venezuela (59 stamps, 1994-1995)

Used by 59 stamps of Venezuela: (See all uses as list)

5/19/1994 35b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Galeandra minax perf=12
5/19/1994 35b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Oncidium falcipetalum perf=12
5/19/1994 35b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Oncidium lanceanum (1994) perf=12
5/19/1994 35b issue=1994 dt=Personalities (1994) d=Ezequiel Zamora perf=12.25
5/19/1994 35b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Chrysocycnis schlimii perf=12
7/17/1994 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Federation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce d=FEDECAMARAS emblem perf=12
7/17/1994 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Federation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce d=Luis Gonzalo Marturet perf=12
7/17/1994 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Federation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce perf=12
12/1/1994 35b issue=Christmas 1994 perf=12
12/1/1994 35b issue=Christmas 1994 perf=12
12/1/1994 35b issue=Christmas 1994 perf=12
12/1/1994 35b issue=Christmas 1994 perf=12
12/1/1994 35b issue=Christmas 1994
2/2/1995 35b issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio Jose de Sucre perf=12
2/2/1995 35b issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio Jose de Sucre perf=12
3/22/1995 35b issue=America 1994 perf=12
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela d=St. John Bosco
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela
4/26/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Venezuela
5/15/1995 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Christian Brothers' La Colina School, Caracas perf=12
5/15/1995 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Christian Brothers' La Colina School, Caracas perf=12
5/15/1995 35b issue=50th Anniversary of Christian Brothers' La Colina School, Caracas perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Maxillaria guareimensis perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Huntleya lucida perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Mormodes convolutum perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Coryanthes biflora perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Paphinia lindeniana perf=12
5/31/1995 35b dt=orchids (1995 Venezuela) d=Catasetum pileatum (1995) perf=12
8/30/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Venezuelan Red Cross perf=12.25x12
8/30/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Venezuelan Red Cross perf=12.25x12
8/30/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Venezuelan Red Cross perf=12.25x12
9/13/1995 35b issue=America 1995 perf=12.25x12
10/18/1995 35b dt=Amerindians (1995) d=Guahibo people one playing flute perf=12.25x12
10/18/1995 35b dt=Amerindians (1995) d=Guahibo shaman with child perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=Caracas Electric Sub Station perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=Electric Train Trams perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=Electric Lamp posts Bolívar Square perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=Electric Lamp posts Congress of the Republic perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=El Encantado Electric Plant perf=12.25x12
11/6/1995 35b issue=100th Anniversary of Electricity in Caracas d=Ricardo Zuloaga perf=12.25x12
11/15/1995 35b issue=Christmas 1995 d=angel appearing to shepherds perf=12x12.25
11/15/1995 35b issue=Christmas 1995 d=Buscando posada perf=12x12.25
11/15/1995 35b issue=Christmas 1995
11/15/1995 35b issue=Christmas 1995
12/5/1995 35b issue=450th Anniversary of El Tocuyo
12/5/1995 35b issue=450th Anniversary of El Tocuyo
12/5/1995 35b issue=450th Anniversary of El Tocuyo
(plus 9 more) (See all uses as list)