Desc: 60b
Currency: Venezuelan bolívar (100c=1b)
Numerical sorting value: 360000
Users of this denom: Venezuela (31 stamps, 1992-1996)
Used by 31 stamps of Venezuela: (See all uses as list)
10/2/1992 60b issue=Beatification of Josemaria Escriva perf=12
10/2/1992 60b issue=Beatification of Josemaria Escriva d=J. Escriva with Pope Paul VI, 1964 perf=12
11/20/1992 60b issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America d="Descontextura" - Juan Pablo Nascimiento perf=12
1/26/1996 60b issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II d=Pope & Man in prison perf=12
1/26/1996 60b issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II d=Pope & Working man perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Epidendrum fimbriatum perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Myoxanthus reymondii perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Catasetum pileatum (1996) perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Ponthieva maculata perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Maxillaria triloris (1996) perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Scaphosepalum breve perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Cleistes rosea (1996) perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Maxillaria sophronitis perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Catasetum discolor perf=12
5/31/1996 60b dt=orchids (1996 Venezuela) d=Oncidium ampliatum perf=12
9/10/1996 60b issue=America 1996
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez perf=12.25x12
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
10/26/1996 60b issue=132nd Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Jose Hernandez
11/7/1996 60b issue=Christmas 1996 perf=12
11/7/1996 60b issue=Christmas 1996 perf=12
11/7/1996 60b issue=Christmas 1996 perf=12
11/7/1996 60b issue=Christmas 1996 perf=12
11/7/1996 60b issue=Christmas 1996