Prev: 6.00b (Venezuelan bolívar)
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6b denom (#32462)

  • Colnect-3825-773-Earth-map-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-4109-799-Sojo-score-on-blackboard.jpg
  • Colnect-5925-557-Owl---Symbol-of-Wisdom-1973.jpg
  • Colnect-4204-618-70th-Anniv-of-Venezuela-Navigation-Company.jpg
  • Colnect-4204-619-70th-Anniv-of-Venezuela-Navigation-Company.jpg
  • Colnect-2957-455-Juan-Pedro-L%C3%B3pez.jpg
  • Colnect-5922-804-1st-meeting-of-eight-Latin-American-presidents.jpg
  • Colnect-5925-593-Hydrocarbons.jpg
  • Colnect-4805-308-St-Giovanni-Bosco-Mission-School.jpg
  • Colnect-4702-114-Fishery-credits.jpg
  • Colnect-4702-117-Turism-trade-development.jpg
  • Colnect-4702-116-Construction-projects.jpg
  • Colnect-4702-115-Dairy-farming-development.jpg
  • Colnect-4702-113-Financing-agriculture.jpg
  • Colnect-2365-527-Medalla-conmemorativa.jpg
  • Colnect-2301-758-Cup.jpg
  • Colnect-4172-601-Adoration-of-the-shepherds.jpg
  • Colnect-4172-602-Holy-Family.jpg
  • Colnect-4172-603-Holy-Family.jpg
  • Colnect-4172-147-Adoration-of-the-shepherds.jpg
Desc: 6b

Currency: Venezuelan bolívar (100c=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 36000

Equivalent denoms: 6.00b (18)

Users of this denom: Venezuela (21 stamps, 1985-1989)

Used by 21 stamps of Venezuela: (See all uses as list)

9/13/1985 6b issue=25th Anniversary of OPEC perf=12
7/1/1987 6b orgred&dkbrn issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vicente Emilio Sojo d=Sojo score on blackboard perf=12x12.25
7/9/1987 6b issue=20th Anniversary of Simon Bolivar University perf=12
7/31/1987 6b issue=70th Anniversary of Venezuelan Navigation Company perf=12
7/31/1987 6b issue=70th Anniversary of Venezuelan Navigation Company perf=12
11/17/1987 6b issue=Christmas 1987 d="Flight into Egypt" - Juan Pedro Lopez perf=12
11/26/1987 6b issue=1st Meeting of Eight Latin-American Presidents of Contadora and Lima Groups, Acapulco perf=12x12.25
12/1/1987 6b issue=10th Anniversary of Petro-Chemical Company of Venezuela perf=12
12/8/1987 6b issue=100th Anniversary of the death of St. John Bosco perf=12x12.25
4/11/1988 6b issue=30th Anniversary of Banco Republica perf=12
4/11/1988 6b issue=30th Anniversary of Banco Republica perf=12
4/11/1988 6b issue=30th Anniversary of Banco Republica perf=12
4/11/1988 6b issue=30th Anniversary of Banco Republica perf=12
4/11/1988 6b issue=30th Anniversary of Banco Republica perf=12
10/21/1988 6b issue=100th Anniversary of National Historical Museum d=Juan Pablo Rojas Paul perf=12
12/9/1988 6b issue=Christmas 1988 d="Christ Child" - Anonymous
10/17/1989 6b issue=America 1989 perf=12
11/21/1989 6b issue=Christmas 1989 perf=12
11/21/1989 6b issue=Christmas 1989 perf=12
11/21/1989 6b issue=Christmas 1989 perf=12
11/21/1989 6b issue=Christmas 1989 perf=12