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1.70s denom (#32159)

  • Colnect-1662-240-Children-Mounts-Fuji-and-Huascaran.jpg
  • Colnect-1672-674-Guanaco-Lama-guanicoe.jpg
Desc: 1.70s

Currency: Peruvian sol (100c=1s)

Numerical sorting value: 10200

Users of this denom: Peru (2 stamps, 1993-1995)

Used by 2 stamps of Peru: (See all uses as list)

8/21/1993 1.70s issue=120th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations and Peace, Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Treaty with
10/12/1995 1.70s issue=America 1993 d=Lama guanicoe (1995)