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17.50sh denom (#31708)

  • Colnect-1074-302-Western-Red-Colobus-Colobus-badius.jpg
  • Colnect-6090-358-63rd-Anniversary-of-Rotary-Club-in-Africa.jpg
Desc: 17.50sh

Currency: Tanzanian shilling (100c=1sh=1TSh)

Numerical sorting value: 105000

Users of this denom: Tanzania (2 stamps, 1985-1988)

Used by 2 stamps of Tanzania: (See all uses as list)

5/8/1985 17.50sh dt=Rare Animals of Zanzibar d=Colobus badius perf=13x12.5
8/15/1988 17.50sh issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross - The 40th Wedding Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II an perf=13x13.5