Desc: 4.20fr
Currency: Monegasque franc (100c=1fr=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 25200
Users of this denom: Monaco (6 stamps, 1993-2001)
Used by 6 stamps of Monaco: (See all uses as list)
3/1/1993 4.20fr issue=10th International Amateur Theatre Festival perf=13
5/4/1993 4.20fr issue=Europa 1993 d=Evolution Sculpture by Emma de Sigaldi perf=12.25x12.5
9/14/1998 4.20fr issue=30th Anniversary of International Association against Violence in Sport
7/2/1999 4.20fr issue=50th Anniversary of Monaco's Admission to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Educational Org
1/17/2000 4.20fr|0,64€ issue=30th Anniversary of Napoleonic Museum d=Bust of Napoleon - By Antonio Canova perf=13.25
8/1/2001 4.20fr issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Emile Littré