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3.40mk. denom (#31124)

  • Colnect-160-789-Glacial-markings---Glacial-erratic.jpg
  • Colnect-160-804-WC-Sailing-Optimist--class.jpg
  • Colnect-160-834-WC-Hockey.jpg
  • Colnect-160-869-Sailships.jpg
  • Colnect-160-879-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-160-880-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-160-881-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-160-882-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-160-896-Visit-Cutty-Sark.jpg
Desc: 3.40mk.

Currency: Finnish markka (100p=1mk=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 20400

Equivalent denoms: 3.40mk (1)

Users of this denom: Åland Islands (9 stamps, 1995-2000)

Used by 9 stamps of Åland Islands: (See all uses as list)

1/2/1995 3.40mk. dt=Stone Formations perf=14
6/2/1995 3.40mk. issue=World Championship in Optimist Dinghy 1995 perf=14
5/3/1997 3.40mk. issue=Women World Championship in Hockey 1997
3/19/1999 3.40mk. issue=50th Anniversary of Pamir's Cape Horn Sailing perf=14.5x14.75
1/3/2000 3.40mk. issue=Millennium
1/3/2000 3.40mk. issue=Millennium
1/3/2000 3.40mk. issue=Millennium
1/3/2000 3.40mk. issue=Millennium
7/21/2000 3.40mk. dt=ships (2000 Åland Islands)