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6p denom (#30986)

  • Colnect-4548-992-Miners-ago-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-4189-275-Flags-of-member-states-of-the-OAS-map-of-Bolivia.jpg
  • Colnect-514-321-50-years-Bolivian-radio.jpg
Desc: 6p

Currency: Bolivian boliviano (100c=1b=1b$=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 36000

Equivalent denoms: 6.00b (35), 6b (27)

Users of this denom: Bolivia (5 stamps, 1977-1986)

Used by 5 stamps of Bolivia: (See all uses as list)

11/3/1977 6p issue=International Tin Symposium 1977
10/22/1979 6p issue=9th Congress of Organization of American States
12/11/1979 6p issue=50th Anniversary of the National Radio
9/25/1986 6p issue=Construction of Railway between Uncia & Antofagasta - Tinfoil Stamp
9/25/1986 6p issue=Construction of Railway between Uncia & Antofagasta - Tinfoil Stamp