Prev: 40+20(c) (Swiss franc)
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40+10(c) denom (#30797)

  • Colnect-139-895-St-Bruno-s-Lily-Paradisea-liliastrum.jpg
  • Colnect-5253-268-House-in-Pratigau.jpg
  • Colnect-139-927-Large-Pink-Dianthus-superbus.jpg
  • Colnect-139-933-Shooting.jpg
  • Colnect-139-939-Moorland-Clouded-Yellow-Colias-palaeno.jpg
  • Colnect-139-945-Alpenhorn-blower.jpg
  • Colnect-139-953-Giant-Peacock-Moth-Saturnia-pyri.jpg
  • Colnect-5253-279-Mari%C3%ABlen-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-139-970-Oak-Eggar-Lasiocampa-quercus.jpg
  • Colnect-139-976-Lake-Geneva.jpg
  • Colnect-139-997-Silser-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-140-003-Swallowtail-Papilio-machaon.jpg
  • Colnect-140-018-Bieler-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-140-024-Apollo-Parnassius-apollo.jpg
  • Colnect-140-035-Walen-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-140-041-Large-White-Pieris-brassicae.jpg
  • Colnect-140-061-Red-Underwing-Catocala-nupta.jpg
  • Colnect-140-072-Smoky-quartz.jpg
  • Colnect-140-079-Christmas-Rose-Helleborus-niger.jpg
  • Colnect-140-094-Giant-Salamander-Andrias-japonicus.jpg
Desc: 40+10(c)

Currency: Swiss franc (100rp=100r=100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 2400
Second numerical value: 600

Equivalent denoms: 40(+10c) (3)

Users of this denom: Switzerland (22 stamps, 1948-1959)

Used by 22 stamps of Switzerland: (See all uses as list)

12/1/1948 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1948 d=St Brunos Lily Paradisea liliastrum
6/15/1949 40+10(c) issue=Pro Patria 1949 d=house in Pratigau
12/1/1949 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1949 d=Dianthus superbus (1949)
6/1/1950 40+10(c) issue=1950 semi d=target shooters perf=11.5
12/1/1950 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1950 d=Colias palaeno (1950) perf=11.5
6/1/1951 40+10(c) issue=1951 semi d=Alpenhorn blower perf=11.5
12/1/1951 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1951 d=Saturnia pyri (1951) perf=11.5
5/31/1952 40+10(c) dkbl issue=1952 semi d=Märjelensee perf=11.5
12/1/1952 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1952 d=Lasiocampa quercus perf=11.5
6/1/1953 40+10(c) bl issue=Pro Patria 1953 d=lac Léman
12/1/1953 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1953 d=Self-portrait by Ferdinand Hodler
6/1/1954 40+10(c) issue=Pro Patria 1954 d=Silser Lake perf=11.75
12/1/1954 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1954 d=Papilio machaon (1954) perf=11.75
6/1/1955 40+10(c) bl issue=Pro Patria 1955 dt=landscapes (1955) d=Bielersee
12/1/1955 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1955 dt=butterflies & insects d=Parnassius apollo (1955)
6/1/1956 40+10(c) ultra issue=Pro Patria 1956 dt=landscapes (1956) d=Walen Lake
12/1/1956 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1956 dt=butterflies & insects d=Large White Pieris brassicae (1956)
6/1/1957 40+10(c) issue=Pro Patria 1957 d=assising needy person & Red Cross
11/30/1957 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1957 d=Red Underwing Catocala nupta
5/31/1958 40+10(c) issue=Pro Patria 1958 d=smoky quartz (1958)
12/1/1958 40+10(c) issue=Pro Juventute 1958 d=Christmas Rose Helleborus niger
6/1/1959 40+10(c) issue=Pro Patria 1959 d=Andrias (fossil)

All are semipostal