Desc: 1a
Currency: Argentine austral (100c=1a)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Users of this denom: Argentina (10 stamps, 1985-1988)
Used by 10 stamps of Argentina: (See all uses as list)
8/1/1985 1a dt=flowers of Argentina d=Begonia micranthera var. Hieronymi perf=13.5
4/4/1987 1a issue=Second Visit of Pope John Paul II perf=12
11/21/1987 1a issue=100th Anniversary of the Argentine Philatelic Society d=Doctor Jose Marco del Pont perf=13.5
12/5/1987 1a issue=Christmas 1987 perf=13.5
3/19/1988 1a dt=Argentine paintings perf=13.5
3/19/1988 1a dt=Argentine paintings perf=13.5
3/19/1988 1a issue=Argentine-Brazil Economic Co-operation perf=13.5
4/9/1988 1a issue=400th Anniversaries of the Corrientes and Alta Gracia perf=13.5
4/9/1988 1a issue=400th Anniversaries of the Corrientes and Alta Gracia perf=13.5
7/16/1988 1a issue=Olympics 1988