Desc: 5nd
Currency: Yugoslav dinar (100pa=100p=1din=1d=1nd)
Numerical sorting value: 30000
Equivalent denoms: 5.00d (1), 5.00din (16), 5.00nd (1), 5d (91), 5din (45)
Users of this denom: Yugoslavia (15 stamps, 1996-1999)
Used by 15 stamps of Yugoslavia: (See all uses as list)
2/29/1996 5nd issue=1995 perf=12.5
4/12/1996 5nd issue=Olympics 1996
6/28/1996 5nd issue=European Nature Conservation 1996 dt=birds (1996 Yugoslavia) d=Plegadis falcinellus (1996) perf=13.5x13.25
9/11/1997 5nd issue=JUFIX IX perf=13.75
10/2/1997 5nd issue=Joy of Europe 1997 perf=13.75
9/2/1998 5nd issue=50th Anniversary of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia d=Anthropoides virgo (1998 Yugoslavia) perf=13.25
9/15/1998 5nd issue=80th Anniversary of the Thessaloniki Front Breakthrough perf=13.25
9/15/1998 5nd issue=80th Anniversary of the Thessaloniki Front Breakthrough perf=13.25
11/21/1998 5nd dt=paintings by Vasilije Ivankovic perf=11.75x12
12/9/1998 5nd issue=800th Anniversary of Hilandar Monastery perf=13.75
12/9/1998 5nd issue=800th Anniversary of Hilandar Monastery perf=13.75
12/17/1998 5nd issue=3rd Meeting of Southeast European Postal Ministers perf=13.75
12/21/1998 5nd issue=75th Anniversary of Post and Telecommunications Museum perf=13.25
12/21/1998 5nd carred issue=75th Anniversary of Post and Telecommunications Museum perf=13.25
1/14/1999 5nd dt=Serbian Monasteries d=Gracanica perf=13.75