Desc: 8.50z
Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)
Numerical sorting value: 51000
Users of this denom: Poland (13 stamps, 1968-2014)
Used by 13 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)
11/20/1968 8.50z dt=hunt paintings d=Lion hunt in Marocco by Delacroix perf=9-14.5
2/2/1969 8.50z dt=dogs (1969) d=Pointer (1969) perf=9-14.5
2/28/1970 8.50z dt=game birds (1970) d=Tetrao urogallus (1970) perf=9-14.5
10/9/1970 8.50z dt=paintings (1970 Poland) d=The Sun by Wladyslaw Strzeminski perf=9-14.5
1/30/1971 8.50z dt=Polish ships d=Ferry Gryf perf=9-14.5
3/5/1971 8.50z dt=Polish castles d=Lidzbark Warminski perf=9-14.5
12/28/1971 8.50z dt=tree blossoms d=cherry blossoms (1971 Poland) perf=9-14.5
5/20/1972 8.50z issue=Olympics 1972 d=Sharpshooting perf=9-14.5
12/15/1972 8.50z dt=flowering shrubs d=lilac perf=9-14.5
3/28/1973 8.50z dt=Polish art d=The Nobleman Teczynski portrait unknown artist 17th centur perf=9-14.5
6/28/2013 8.50z blk&red issue=900 ann. of the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus d=Engravings from the Chronicle Polish Marcin Bielski perf=11.5x11.25
8/3/2013 8.50z issue=Zlot Wielkich Żaglowców Szczecin 2013 d=Żaglowiec Fryderyk Chopin W tle panorama portu Szczecin perf=11
4/2/2014 8.50z issue=Canonization of Pope John Paul II d=John Paul II (2014)