Desc: 7z
Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)
Numerical sorting value: 42000
Users of this denom: Poland (15 stamps, 1967-1972)
Used by 15 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)
2/25/1967 7z vio&multi issue=Janov Podlaski stud farm 150th dt=horses (1967) d=Stallion Skowronek
4/1/1967 7z dt=tropical fishes (1967 Poland) d=saddleback butterflyfish (1967)
5/24/1967 7z issue=Olympics 1968 in 1967 d=boxing (1967 Poland)
1/10/1968 7z issue=Winter Olympics 1968 d=biathlon (1968)
3/15/1968 7z dt=fairy tales (1968 Poland) d=Snow White (1968)
10/10/1968 7z gray&multi dt=Polish paintings (1968) d=Feast II by Zygmunt Waliszewski
9/4/1969 7z dt=Polish paintings (1969) d=The abduction of the Kings Daughter by Witold Wojtkiewicz
9/30/1969 7z dt=regional costumes (1969) d=Kurpiow Warsaw
11/12/1969 7z dt=Behems Codex miniatures d=Bowyers shop
2/28/1970 7z dt=game birds (1970) d=Perdix perdix (1970)
8/27/1970 7z dt=miniatures (1970) d=Michal Kleofas Oginski (by Nanette Windi…
4/20/1971 7z gld&multi dt=Faras Cathedral frescoes d=Archangel Michael the Ominous
5/20/1971 7z issue=UNICEF 25th d=The Unknown Planet
8/20/1972 7z dt=animals (1972 Poland) d=zebra (1972)
12/28/1972 7z dt=Polish cavalry d=Light cavalry Peoples Army 1945
All are perf=9-14.5