Desc: 80st
Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 4800
Equivalent denoms: 0.80l (50), 80s (69)
Users of this denom: Bulgaria (9 stamps, 1956-1985)
Used by 9 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)
airmail 10/15/1956 80st dkgrn issue=30th Anniversary of Gliders in Bulgaria perf=13
airmail 5/21/1957 80st issue=10th Anniversary of Civil Air Transport in Bulgaria perf=13
2/15/1958 80st dkvio issue=Culture 1958 d=Auguste Comte (1958 Bulgaria) perf=13
airmail 11/18/1958 80st grnbl issue=International Geophysical Year perf=11
airmail 11/18/1958 80st grnbl issue=International Geophysical Year
6/19/1978 80st dt=paintings of the Famous Painters d=Antonius van Dyck Portrait of a Knight perf=13
12/15/1978 80st issue=100th Anniversary of the National Library Cyril and Methodios
5/31/1979 80st dt=Graphics by Albrecht Durer d=rhinoceros (1979) imperf
3/1/1985 80st issue=25th Anniversary of the UNESCO International Oceanographic Commission d=Research Vessel Akademik perf=13