Prev: 23s (Bulgarian lev)
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23st denom (#29074)

  • Colnect-4208-972-Soccer-Player-during-Shooting.jpg
  • Colnect-4208-994-Wassilij-Wassiljewitsch-Wereschtschagin.jpg
  • Colnect-4209-012-Vase.jpg
  • Colnect-4209-170-Heart-4-Arrows-WHO-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1994-260-Yacht--quot-Cor-Caroli-quot--World-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-4209-163-Peter-Paul-Rubens-Bathseba-at-the-Fountain.jpg
  • Colnect-4209-176-Lilium-jankae-kern.jpg
  • Colnect-732-684-Lesser-Spotted-Woodpecker-Dendrocopos-minor.jpg
  • Colnect-1729-183-Flame-of-Freedom.jpg
  • Colnect-4212-378-Najden-Petkov-Family-from-the-Era-of-National-Revival.jpg
  • Colnect-4348-868-Book-of-Gospels-16th-Century.jpg
  • Colnect-4348-882-100-Years-Bulgarian-stamps.jpg
  • Colnect-2284-953-1957-Canonisation-of-St-Cyril-and-St-Methodius-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-1729-215-Flower-with-Face-of-a-Child.jpg
  • Colnect-4349-437-Base-Relief-of-the-Freedom-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-1599-068-Radio.jpg
  • Colnect-4349-495-A-D-uuml-rer----quot-Three-Peasants-in-Conversation-quot--1497.jpg
  • Colnect-1589-999-Botevgrad.jpg
  • Colnect-4373-335--quot-Our-Lady-quot--Nesebyr-XVI-c.jpg
  • Colnect-3112-507-Downhill-Skiing.jpg
  • Colnect-4373-382-DUzunov--quot-Composition-II-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-5486-627-Burial-of-Cyril-the-Philosopher.jpg
  • Colnect-1994-276-English-galleon--quot-Mayflower-quot--XVII-c.jpg
  • Colnect-1764-476-No-2973-with-Decoration-Field.jpg
  • Colnect-629-750-Z-Zograf----quot-The-Transfiguration-of-Christ-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-629-769-Mouflon-Ovis-orientalis.jpg
  • Colnect-629-779-Hotel--quot-Velko-Tyrnovo-quot--Velko-Tyrnovo.jpg
  • Colnect-1764-489-Part-of-the-Treasure.jpg
  • Colnect-1764-496-Russian-Liberation-Army-in-Veliko-Tarnovo-1877.jpg
Desc: 23st

Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 1380

Equivalent denoms: 23s (28)

Users of this denom: Bulgaria (31 stamps, 1978-1981)

Used by 31 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)

1/30/1978 23st issue=World Cup 1978 d=Soccer Player during Shooting perf=13
3/28/1978 23st issue=100th Anniversary of Liberation from the Turks d=Wassilij Wassiljewitsch Wereschtschagin perf=13
4/26/1978 23st issue=PHILASERDICA '79 perf=13
5/12/1978 23st issue=Struggle against High Blood Pressure perf=13
5/19/1978 23st issue=Sailor Georgi Georgiev d=Yacht Cor Caroli world map perf=13
6/19/1978 23st dt=paintings of the Famous Painters d=Bathseba at the Fountain perf=13
6/27/1978 23st dt=flowers (1978 Bulgaria) d=Lilium jankae (1978) perf=13x13.5
8/28/1978 23st issue=PHILASERDICA '79 b perf=12.5x12
9/1/1978 23st dt=woodpeckers (1978) (1978) d=Dendrocopos minor (1978) perf=13x13.5
10/18/1978 23st issue=30th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights perf=13
10/25/1978 23st dt=Bulgarian history d=Najden Petkov Family from the Era of National Revival perf=12x12.25
12/15/1978 23st issue=100th Anniversary of the National Library Cyril and Methodios perf=13
12/30/1978 23st redvio&ol issue=PHILASERDICA '79 c perf=13
1/30/1979 23st issue=PHILASERDICA '79 e perf=13
3/8/1979 23st issue=International Year of the Child d=Flower with Face of a Child perf=13
4/2/1979 23st issue=100th Anniversary of Sofia as capital d=Base Relief of the Freedom Monument perf=13x13.25
5/8/1979 23st issue=100th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Postal Service d=radio perf=13
5/31/1979 23st dt=Graphics by Albrecht Durer d=ADürer Three Peasants in Conversation 1497 perf=14x13.75
airmail 6/5/1979 23st dt=clock towers (1979) d=Botevgrad perf=12x12.5
8/7/1979 23st dt=icons (1979 Bulgaria) perf=12.25
10/25/1979 23st issue=Winter Olympics 1980 d=downhill skiing perf=13
10/31/1979 23st issue=80th Anniversary of the Birth of Decko Uzunov d=Composition II perf=14
12/25/1979 23st dt=Wall Paintings in Basilica San Clemente d=Burial of Cyril the Philosopher perf=13
7/14/1980 23st dt=ships (1980 Bulgaria) d=English galleon Mayflower XVII c perf=13
airmail 10/22/1980 23st dt=clock towers (1979)
3/12/1981 23st viobl&red issue=Bulgarian Communist Party Congress 1981 d=Punched Tape as Number 8 perf=13.5x13.75
3/23/1981 23st dt=Zaharij Zograf's Paintings d=ZZograf The Transfiguration of Christ perf=12x12.25
5/27/1981 23st dt=game animals (1981) d=Ovis musimon perf=13.25x13.75
7/13/1981 23st d=Hotel Velko Tyrnovo Velko Tyrnovo perf=13
7/21/1981 23st dt=Golden Treasures perf=13
8/10/1981 23st issue=1300th Anniversary of the First Bulgarian State d=Russian Liberation Army in Veliko Tarnovo 1877 perf=13.25x13