Prev: 7.25k (Danish krone)
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7.25kr denom (#29021)

  • Colnect-158-481-Saxifraga-oppositifolia.jpg
  • Colnect-158-483-250-years-Paamiut-Frederikshaab.jpg
  • Colnect-1932-263-Snow-Crab-Chionoecetes-opilio.jpg
  • Colnect-158-520-100-years-Ammassalik.jpg
  • Colnect-158-525-CEPT--Discoveries-and-inventions.jpg
  • Colnect-158-528-Northern-collared-lemming-Dicrostonyx-groenlandicus.jpg
  • Colnect-158-542-50-years-United-Nations-UNO.jpg
  • Colnect-158-567-Wolverine-Gulo-gulo-luscus.jpg
Desc: 7.25kr

Currency: Danish krone (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 43500

Equivalent denoms: 7,25(k) (1), 7.25k (4)

Users of this denom: Greenland (8 stamps, 1992-1995)

Used by 8 stamps of Greenland: (See all uses as list)

3/26/1992 7.25kr dt=flowers (1992 Greenland) d=akulaluk - purpur-stenbraek - Saxifraga oppositifolia perf=12.75
5/14/1992 7.25kr bl&olbrn issue=250th Anniversary of Paamiut perf=12.75
3/25/1993 7.25kr dt=crabs (1993) perf=13x13.25
3/24/1994 7.25kr issue=100th Anniversary of Ammassalik perf=12.75
5/5/1994 7.25kr issue=Europa 1994 perf=12.75
9/8/1994 7.25kr dt=wildlife (1994 Greenland) d=Dicrostonyx torquatus groenlandicus perf=13x13.25
3/23/1995 7.25kr issue=50th Anniversary of the UN
9/7/1995 7.25kr dt=wildlife (1995) d=gulo gulo (1995) perf=13x13.25