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3.00dh denom (#28516)

  • Colnect-899-510-King-Hassan-II.jpg
  • Colnect-1894-722-Plane.jpg
  • Colnect-1923-383-King-Hassan-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-000-Postmark-and-Sherifian-postage-stamp-of-1912.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-003-16th-Africa-cup-soccer-championship.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-004-Horse-week.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-006-Pottery-bottle.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-009-UN-Child-Survival-Campaign.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-013-Circular-hand-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-012-Octagonal-hand-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-821-Horned-Lark-Eremophila-alpestris.jpg
  • Colnect-5248-490-Green-March-14th-Anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-2533-234-Octagonal-hand-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-020-King-Hassan-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-022-International-Literacy-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-823-Eurasian-Hoopoe-Upupa-epops.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-023-Green-March-15th-Anniversay.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-024-Independence-35th-Anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-025-Dam.jpg
  • Colnect-2473-026-Royal-Academy-of-Morocco-10th-Anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-1895-057-Postal-Diligence.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-564-Day-of-the-Stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-2717-392-UN-development-programme.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-569-King-Hassan-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-568-King-Hassan-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-571-Exploitation-by-Sherifian-Phosphates-Office.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-572-Blind-Week.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-573-Moroccan-Copperware.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-574-Pyrus-mamorensis.jpg
  • Colnect-3870-900-Cynara-humilis.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-576-Ouarzazate-Costumes.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-577-Ouarzazate-Costumes.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-578-World-Roads-Congress-Marrakesh.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-579-Arab-Maghreb-Union-Presidential-Council.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-580-16th-Anniversary-of--Green-March-.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-825-White-Stork-Ciconia-ciconia.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-824-European-Bee-eater-Merops-apiaster.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-581-World-AIDS-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-582-20th-Anniversary-of-Islamic-Conference-Organization.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-583-African-Tourism-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-6059-711-Octagonal-hand-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-563-439-Stamp-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-585-International-Space-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-586-Blind-Week.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-587-Moroccan-Copperware.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-826-Griffon-Vulture-Gyps-fulvus.jpg
  • Colnect-1347-827-Pin-tailed-Sandgrouse-Pterocles-alchata.jpg
Desc: 3.00dh

Currency: Moroccan dirham (100c=1dh=1d)

Numerical sorting value: 18000

Equivalent denoms: 3d (3)

Users of this denom: Morocco (48 stamps, 1962-1992)

Used by 48 stamps of Morocco: (See all uses as list)

airmail 3/2/1962 3.00dh dkbl issue=1962 air d=King Hassan II
airmail 12/17/1966 3.00dh d=Sud Aviation Caravelle of Royal Air Maroc
airmail 3/1/1983 3.00dh issue=1983 air d=King Hassan II with hood
12/31/1987 3.00dh issue=75th Anniversary of Moroccan Stamps perf=14x13.75
3/13/1988 3.00dh issue=16th African Nations Cup perf=14.5x13.25
3/20/1988 3.00dh issue=Horse Week 1988 perf=14
4/18/1988 3.00dh issue=Blind Week 1988 perf=14
5/30/1988 3.00dh issue=125th Anniversary of Red Cross perf=12.75x13
7/18/1988 3.00dh issue=UNICEF Child Survival Campaign perf=12.5x13
11/22/1988 3.00dh brnol&blk issue=Stamp Day 1988 perf=14
11/22/1988 3.00dh ltblgrn&blk issue=Stamp Day 1988 perf=14
10/16/1989 3.00dh dt=birds (1989 Morocco) d=Eremophila alpestris perf=14
11/6/1989 3.00dh issue=14th Anniversary of Green March perf=14
1/15/1990 3.00dh yelgrn&blk issue=Stamp Day 1990 perf=14
5/14/1990 3.00dh issue=3rd World Olive Year perf=13.75x14
9/17/1990 3.00dh issue=International Literacy Year perf=14
10/26/1990 3.00dh dt=birds (1990 Morocco) d=Upupa epops (1990 Morocco) perf=14
11/6/1990 3.00dh issue=15th Anniversary of the Green March perf=14
11/18/1990 3.00dh issue=35th Anniversary of Independence perf=14
11/26/1990 3.00dh issue=Irrigation Projects perf=14
12/28/1990 3.00dh issue=10th Anniversary of Royal Academy of Morocco perf=14
12/31/1990 3.00dh issue=20th Anniversary of National Postal Museum perf=13
1/25/1991 3.00dh issue=Stamp Day 1990 in 1991 perf=14
1/25/1991 3.00dh issue=40th Anniversary of United Nations Development Programme perf=14
3/3/1991 3.00dh issue=30th Anniversary of Enthronement of King Hassan II perf=14.25x13.25
3/3/1991 3.00dh issue=30th Anniversary of Enthronement of King Hassan II perf=14.25x13.25
3/28/1991 3.00dh issue=70th Anniversary of Mineral Exploitation by Sherifian Phosphates Office perf=14
5/15/1991 3.00dh issue=Blind Week 1991 perf=14
5/27/1991 3.00dh issue=Red Crescent 1991 dt=Moroccan Copperware perf=14
6/27/1991 3.00dh dt=flowers (1991 Morocco) d=Pyrus mamorensis perf=14
6/27/1991 3.00dh dt=flowers (1991 Morocco) d=Cynara humilis perf=14
7/31/1991 3.00dh dt=Ouarzazate Costumes perf=14
7/31/1991 3.00dh dt=Ouarzazate Costumes perf=14
9/23/1991 3.00dh issue=19th World Roads Congress perf=14
10/30/1991 3.00dh issue=4th Ordinary Session of Arab Maghreb Union Presidential Council perf=14
11/6/1991 3.00dh issue=16th Anniversary of Green March perf=14
11/20/1991 3.00dh dt=birds (1991 Morocco) d=Ciconia ciconia (1991 Morocco) perf=14
11/20/1991 3.00dh dt=birds (1991 Morocco) d=Merops apiaster (1991) perf=14
12/2/1991 3.00dh issue=World AIDS Day 1991 perf=14
12/9/1991 3.00dh issue=20th Anniversary of Islamic Conference Organization perf=14
12/16/1991 3.00dh issue=African Tourism Year perf=14
1/13/1992 3.00dh ltvio issue=Stamp Day 1992 perf=14
1/13/1992 3.00dh ltbrn issue=Stamp Day 1992 perf=14
2/17/1992 3.00dh issue=International Space Year perf=14
3/19/1992 3.00dh issue=Blind Week 1992 perf=14
3/30/1992 3.00dh issue=Red Crescent 1992 perf=14
10/26/1992 3.00dh dt=birds (1992 Morocco) d=Gyps fulvus (1992)
10/26/1992 3.00dh dt=birds (1992 Morocco) d=Pterocles alchata