Desc: 0.25g
Currency: Haitian gourde (100c=100cg=100cp=1p=1g)
Numerical sorting value: 1500
Equivalent denoms: 25c (91)
Users of this denom: Haiti (16 stamps, 1980-1993)
Used by 16 stamps of Haiti: (See all uses as list)
8/27/1980 0.25g org&blk issue=Jean-Jacques Dessalines 1980 d=Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1972)
6/23/1982 0.25g yelgrn&blk issue=10th Anniversary of Duvalier Reforms
11/29/1982 0.25g yelgrn&blk issue=revolution 25th
2/22/1983 0.25g issue=75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement
6/10/1983 0.25g issue=100th Anniversary of UPU Membership
2/29/1984 0.25g issue=100th Anniversary of Stamps of Haiti
5/30/1984 0.25g issue=World Communications Year
7/27/1984 0.25g issue=Olympics 1984
8/30/1985 0.25g issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Simon Bolivar d=Bolivar and Alexandre Petion
4/18/1986 0.25g issue=1986 surcharges oc=blk on=0.05g
4/18/1986 0.25g issue=1986 surcharges oc=blk on=0.75g
4/18/1986 0.25g issue=1986 surcharges oc=blk on=1.50g
5/20/1986 0.25g issue=International Youth Year
5/29/1987 0.25g issue=40th Anniversary of UNESCO
8/22/1991 0.25g issue=200th Anniversary of Uprising of Slaves
7/30/1993 0.25g issue=America - 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America