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80r denom (#28363)

  • Colnect-813-609-Globe-tree-people-ears-gear.jpg
  • Colnect-2121-496-OM-Hossein-known-as-Shahiyar-1906-1988-Azerbaijan-poet.jpg
  • Colnect-2611-740-Hand-with-pen--quot-Independence-freedom-IR-of-Iran-quot-.jpg
Desc: 80r

Currency: Iranian rial (100d=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 480000

Users of this denom: Iran (8 stamps, 1991-1995)

Used by 8 stamps of Iran: (See all uses as list)

10/19/1991 80r issue=World Food Day 1991 perf=13.25
12/1/1992 80r issue=Congress on the Work of Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar perf=13.25x13.5
12/29/1992 80r issue=Campaign against Illiteracy perf=13.5x13.25
4/17/1993 80r issue=1000th Anniversary of the Birth of Abu Abdullah Sheikh Mofeed perf=13x13.25
1/17/1994 80r issue=Day of Invalids 1994 perf=13.25x13
12/27/1994 80r issue=Solidarity with the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1994 perf=13.25
12/27/1994 80r issue=Solidarity with the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1994 perf=13.25
4/29/1995 80r issue=Invalids Day 1995 perf=13.25