Desc: 12kr
Currency: Faroese króna (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 72000
Equivalent denoms: 12.00k (1)
Users of this denom: Faroe Islands (23 stamps, 1984-2020)
Used by 23 stamps of Faroe Islands: (See all uses as list)
9/10/1984 12kr dkgrn dt=Local Fishing
6/17/2002 12kr issue=Birds eggs dt=birds eggs d=Haemotopus ostralegus
6/6/2005 12kr issue=WWF 2005 dt=petrels d=Oceanodroma leucorhoa
2/13/2006 12kr dt=villages (2006) d=Fuglafjorthur
5/25/2009 12kr issue=Europa 2009 dt=astronomy (2009) d=Jupiter & sea cliff
2/22/2010 12kr issue=underwater scenes of the Faroes dt=underwater scenes of the Faroes
4/26/2010 12kr issue=Europa 2010
4/26/2010 12kr issue=Europa 2010
9/20/2010 12kr issue=Jens Christian Svabo
4/26/2011 12kr issue=Europa 2011 dt=forests (2011 Faroe Islands)
4/24/2015 12kr issue=75 Years of the Faroese flag perf=13
9/28/2015 12kr issue=Religion in the Viking Age d=Christian crucifixes
9/28/2015 12kr issue=Religion in the Viking Age d=Christian crucifixes
9/28/2015 12kr issue=Religion in the Viking Age d=Christian crucifixes
2/26/2018 12kr issue=Flies d=Musca domestica
2/26/2018 12kr issue=Flies d=Protophormia terraenovae
2/26/2018 12kr issue=Flies d=Scatophaga stercoraria
2/26/2018 12kr issue=Flies d=Bibio pomonae
2/14/2020 12kr issue=Heart-Shaped Lake
2/24/2020 12kr issue=125th Anniversary of Volleyball
2/24/2020 12kr issue=Art of Sigrun Gunnarsdottir
9/21/2020 12kr issue=Chasubles
9/21/2020 12kr issue=125 Years of Motion Pictures