Prev: 29p+11p (Falkland Islands pound)
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30p denom (#28315)

  • Colnect-3909-722-Dr-Henry-Hamblin.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-666-Flowering-Shrubs.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-642-Royal-Visit-of-Princess-Anne.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-653-Cuvier--s-Beaked-Whale-Ziphius-cavirostris-.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-638-Cape-Pembroke.jpg
  • Colnect-1674-605-Ashy-headed-Goose-Chloephaga-poliocephala.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-111-Royal-Marine-Uniforms.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-086-The-Queen-Mother--s-Century.jpg
  • Colnect-1674-613-Chilean-Pintail-Anas-georgica-spinicauda-.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-618-New-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-982-Night-Heron.jpg
  • Colnect-2491-541-King-Penguin-Aptenodytes-patagonicus.jpg
  • Colnect-2203-430-National-Flower---Pale-Maiden.jpg
  • Colnect-2196-570-Birth-Bicentenary-of-Hans-Christian-Andersen.jpg
  • Colnect-5465-074-Falkland-Fisheries.jpg
  • Colnect-5455-659-Gazelle-AH1.jpg
  • Colnect-2191-523-HMS-Exeter-D89.jpg
  • Colnect-2189-270-85th-Birthday-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2189-237-QEII-Silver-Jubilee-1977.jpg
  • Colnect-2189-241-Liberation-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-2189-242-MV-Concordia-Bay.jpg
  • Colnect-2189-247-Surf-Bay.jpg
  • Colnect-3912-141-Centenary-of-the-Loss-of-PSNC---Oravia--.jpg
  • Colnect-3910-286-Southern-Right-Whale-Eubalaena-australis.jpg
  • Colnect-3912-246-Empetrum-rubrum.jpg
  • Colnect-3912-245-Falkland-Black-crowned-Night-heron-nbsp-Nycticorax-nycticorax-fa.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-172-Striated-Caracara-Phalcoboenus-australis.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-187-Baroness-Margaret-Thatcher.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-224-Sir-Rex-Hunt.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-280-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-284-Saffron-Sea-Cucumber-Cladodactyla-crocea.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-288-Macaroni-Penguin-Eudyptes-chrysolophus.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-289-Purple-Cap-Fungi.jpg
  • Colnect-3910-261-King-Penguin-Aptenodytes-patagonicus.jpg
  • Colnect-2397-608-False-chanterelle.jpg
  • Colnect-2397-610-Princess-Elizabeth-1926.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-309-Marsh-Marigold.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-310-King-Penguin-Aptenodytes-patagonicus.jpg
  • Colnect-2606-318-100th-Anniversary---Battle-of-the-Falkland-Islands.jpg
  • Colnect-3910-352-HMS-Sheffield.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-561-Magellanic-Oystercatcher-Haematopus-leucopodus.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-564-White-bridled-Finch-Melanodera-melanodera.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-563-Blechnum-magellanicum.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-567-800th-Anniversary-of-the-Magna-Carta.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-569-Magellanic-Penguin-Spheniscus-magellanicus.jpg
  • Colnect-2953-571-Coronation-publications-1953.jpg
Desc: 30p

Currency: Falkland Islands pound (100p=1lb)

Numerical sorting value: 1800

Users of this denom: Falkland Islands (53 stamps, 1994-2015)

Used by 53 stamps of Falkland Islands: (See all uses as list)

7/1/1994 30p issue=150th Anniversary of Founding of Stanley d=Dr Henry Hamblin wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14
1/3/1995 30p dt=flowering shrubs d=Fuschia magellanica wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.5x14.25
1/30/1996 30p issue=Royal Visit of Princess Anne wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.5x14.25
9/2/1996 30p dt=Beaked Whales d=Ziphius cavirostris (1996) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.75x14
8/4/1997 30p dt=lighthouses (1997 Falkland Islands) d=Cape Pembroke lighthouse (1997) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14
3/31/1998 30p issue=Diana, Princess of Wales memorial wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25
3/31/1998 30p issue=Diana, Princess of Wales memorial wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25
3/31/1998 30p issue=Diana, Princess of Wales memorial wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25
3/31/1998 30p issue=Diana, Princess of Wales memorial wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25
7/14/1998 30p dt=Rare Visiting birds d=Chloephaga poliocephala wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14
12/8/1998 30p dt=Royal Marine Uniforms wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.5x14.25
8/18/1999 30p issue=99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=13.25
9/9/1999 30p dt=waterfowl (1999) d=brown pintail Anas georgica spinicauda wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.25x14.5
12/6/1999 30p issue=New Millennium d=Aptenodytes patagonica (1999) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25x14.5
12/6/1999 30p issue=New Millennium d=night heron at sunset wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25x14.5
12/6/1999 30p issue=New Millennium d=Christmas at home wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25x14.5
11/3/2003 30p issue=Christmas 2003 d=Olysnium filifolium wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25x14
10/28/2005 30p issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Hans Christian Andersen wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14
2/24/2007 30p issue=Fishing Industry
5/7/2009 30p issue=100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation d=Westland/Aerospatiale Gazelle AH1 perf=14
12/8/2009 30p issue=ships named HMS Exeter d=HMS Exeter (D89) (2009) perf=14
6/11/2011 30p issue=85th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II perf=14
5/10/2012 30p issue=60th Anniversary of the Accession of Queen Elizabeth II
6/14/2012 30p issue=30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Falkland Islands perf=14
6/14/2012 30p issue=30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Falkland Islands d=MV Concordia Bay perf=14
7/12/2012 30p issue=Coastal Landscapes d=Surf Bay perf=13
8/28/2012 30p issue=100th Anniversary of the Titanic d=RMS Oravia perf=14
11/9/2012 30p issue=Whales and Dolphins d=Eubalaena australis (2012 Falkland Islands) perf=14
12/14/2012 30p issue=Colour in Nature perf=13
12/14/2012 30p issue=Colour in Nature perf=13
3/28/2013 30p issue=Penguins, Predators and Prey d=striated caracara perf=14
5/16/2013 30p issue=Baroness Margaret Thatcher perf=14
6/11/2013 30p issue=Sir Rex Hunt memorial d=Sir Rex Hunt perf=14
7/22/2013 30p issue=60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II d=Queen Elizabeth II (2013 Falkland Islands) perf=13.25x13.5
8/29/2013 30p issue=Shallow Marine Surveys Group b d=Cladodactyla crocea
8/29/2013 30p issue=Shallow Marine Surveys Group d=Saffron Sea Cucumber
10/3/2013 30p issue=Colour in Nature 2013 d=macaroni penguin (2013)
10/3/2013 30p issue=Colour in Nature 2013 d=Purple Cap Fungi
3/25/2014 30p issue=Penguins, Predators and Prey 2014 d=king penguins (2014)
4/15/2014 30p issue=Mushrooms 2014 dt=mushrooms (2014 Falkland Islands) d=False chanterelle
5/21/2014 30p issue=Royal Christenings d=Princess Elizabeth 1926
9/16/2014 30p issue=Colour in Nature 2014 d=marsh marigold
9/16/2014 30p issue=Colour in Nature 2014 d=king penguin (2014)
12/8/2014 30p issue=Battle of the Falkland Islands 100th
12/22/2014 30p issue=Type 42 Destroyers d=HMS Sheffield
2/11/2015 30p issue=Birds and Young d=Haematopus leucopodus
5/12/2015 30p issue=Colour in Nature d=Melanodera m melanodera perf=14
5/12/2015 30p issue=Colour in Nature d=Blechnum magellanicum perf=14
6/15/2015 30p issue=800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta
8/21/2015 30p issue=Penguins, Predators and Prey d=Spheniscus magellanicus (2011) perf=14
(plus 3 more) (See all uses as list)