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200fr denom (#27970)

  • Colnect-1011-585-Night-fishing-off-the-island-Moor%C3%A9a.jpg
  • Colnect-1011-657-Work-of-P-Gauguin--The-Meal-.jpg
  • Colnect-1012-161-Ta-Matete-P-Gauguin.jpg
  • Colnect-1885-122-Gauguin--Tu-attends-une-lettre-.jpg
  • Colnect-3222-095-Canoe-championship.jpg
  • Colnect-3222-159-Robert-Koch-1843-1910.jpg
  • Colnect-1884-965-William-Bligh.jpg
  • Colnect-3225-140-South-Pacific-Arts-Festival.jpg
  • Colnect-1885-171-Avera-s-Temple-Rurutu.jpg
  • Colnect-1885-298-General-De-Gaulle.jpg
  • Colnect-3226-698-Centenary-of-First-French-Oceanian-Stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-1884-880-Pacific-French-School-Anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-670-364-Stanley-Haumani.jpg
Desc: 200fr

Currency: CFP franc (100c=1fr=1f)

Numerical sorting value: 1200000

Equivalent denoms: 200f (4)

Users of this denom: French Polynesia (15 stamps, 1958-1998)

Used by 15 stamps of French Polynesia: (See all uses as list)

airmail 11/3/1958 200fr issue=1958 air perf=13
airmail 7/30/1968 200fr d=The Meal, by Gauguin
airmail 12/13/1973 200fr gld&multi issue=Paintings 1973 d=Ta Matete by Gauguin perf=13
airmail 5/20/1979 200fr d=Gauguin Tu attends une lettre perf=13
airmail 7/25/1981 200fr issue=First International Pirogue Championship
airmail 3/24/1982 200fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Tuberculosis Bacillus perf=13
airmail 6/9/1983 200fr issue=Voyage of Captain Bligh perf=13
4/27/1984 200fr issue=Espana 84
airmail 9/5/1984 200fr issue=AUSIPEX '84
7/3/1985 200fr perf=13
airmail 12/17/1986 200fr dt=Protestant Churches of Tahiti
9/2/1990 200fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Charles de Gaulle perf=13
11/18/1992 200fr issue=100th Anniversary of the First French Oceanic Settlements Stamp
12/7/1993 200fr issue=30th Anniversary of French Pacific School
9/10/1998 200fr dt=Undersea Life