Prev: 3,00Kz (Angolan kwanza)
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3kz denom (#27872)

  • Colnect-5197-063-California-Condor-Gymnogyps-californianus.jpg
  • Colnect-1240-330-Lappet-faced-Vulture-Torgos-tracheliotus.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-410-Edward-VI-of-England---1547-1583.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-409-William-I-of-Germany---1861-1888.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-408-Brian-Boru-of-Ireland---1002-1014.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-407-James-IV-of-Scotland---1567-1625.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-406-James-II-of-England---1685-1688.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-405-James-I-of-England---1603-1625.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-400-Ivan-III-of-Russia---1462-1505.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-399-Ivan-IV-of-Russia---1533-1584.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-398-Marina-Mniszech-of-Russia---1605-1606.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-397-Henry-II-of-Germany---1002-1024.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-404-Louis-XV-of-France---1710-1774.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-403-Leopold-III-of-Belgium---1934-1951.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-402-Jane-Gray-of-England---1533.jpg
  • Colnect-5208-401-Charles-II-of-England---1660-1685.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-255-Pope-Lucio-II-1144-1145.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-253-Pope-Jo%C3%A3o-XV-985-996.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-252-Pope-Agapito-II-946-955.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-244-Pope-Nicolau-II-1159-1161.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-245-Pope-Pascoal-II-1099-1118.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-246-Pope-S%C3%A9rgio-IV-1009-1012.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-247-Pope-Victor-II-1055-1057.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-248-Pope-Victor-III-1086-1087.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-249-Pope-Urbano-III-1185-1187.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-238-Pope-Celestine-II-1143-1144.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-239-Pope-Clement-II-1146-1147.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-240-Pope-Clement-III-1187-1191.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-241-Pope-Gelasius-II-1118-1119.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-242-Pope-Benedict-VII-974-983.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-243-Pope-Gregorio-V-996-999.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-250-Pope-Inocencio-II-1130-1143.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-251-Pope-Jo%C3%A3o-XIII-965-972.jpg
  • Colnect-5205-254-Pope-Jo%C3%A3o-XVIII-1003-1009.jpg
  • Colnect-854-817-Children-s-drawings.jpg
Desc: 3kz

Currency: Angolan kwanza (1l=1e=1nkz=1kzr=1kz=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 180

Equivalent denoms: 3,00Kz (1)

Users of this denom: Angola (37 stamps, 2000)

Used by 37 stamps of Angola: (See all uses as list)

4/7/2000 3kz issue=fauna 2000 dt=fauna (2000 Angola) d=Gymnogyps californianus (2000) perf=14.25
4/10/2000 3kz issue=Birds 2000 dt=birds (2000 Angola) d=Cathartes burrovianus perf=14.25
9/29/2000 3kz issue=Buildings and People perf=14.25
9/29/2000 3kz issue=Buildings and People perf=14.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Lucius II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Agapetus II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Charles II of England perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Lady Jane Grey perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Leopold III of Belgium perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Louis XV of France perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Henry II of Germany perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Marina Mniszech perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Tsar Ivan IV perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Tsar Ivan III perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=James I of England perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=James II of England perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=James VI of Scotland perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Brian Boru, King of Ireland perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=William I of Prussia perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Edward VI of England perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope John XV perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Nicholas II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Pascal II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Sergius IV perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Victor II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Victor III perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Urban III perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Celestine II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Clement II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Clement III perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Gelasius II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Benedict VII perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Gregory V perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Innocent II perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope John XIII perf=12.25
10/2/2000 3kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope John XVIII perf=12.25
11/7/2000 3kz dt=Children's Paintings (2000) perf=14.25