Desc: 12kz
Currency: Angolan kwanza (1l=1e=1nkz=1kzr=1kz=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 720
Equivalent denoms: 12k (6)
Users of this denom: Angola (19 stamps, 1991-2001)
Used by 19 stamps of Angola: (See all uses as list)
7/5/1991 12kz issue=Espamer 91 dt=dogs of Angola perf=14
3/13/2000 12kz issue=PHILEXFRANCE 99 perf=13.75
3/13/2000 12kz issue=PHILEXFRANCE 99 perf=13.75
4/7/2000 12kz issue=fauna 2000 dt=fauna (2000 Angola) d=Lemur catta (2000)
4/7/2000 12kz issue=fauna 2000 dt=fauna (2000 Angola) d=Acinonyx jubatus (2000)
4/7/2000 12kz issue=fauna 2000 dt=fauna (2000 Angola) d=Pongo pygmaeus (2000)
4/7/2000 12kz issue=fauna 2000 dt=fauna (2000 Angola) d=Bradypus tridactylus (2000)
4/10/2000 12kz issue=Birds of Prey 2000 dt=Birds of Prey (2000 Angola) d=Falco mexicanus perf=14.25
4/10/2000 12kz issue=Birds of Prey 2000 dt=Birds of Prey (2000 Angola) d=Sarcoramphus papa (2000) perf=14.25
4/13/2000 12kz issue=Animals and Birds d=Cercopithecus aethiops (2000) perf=14.25
4/13/2000 12kz issue=Animals and Birds d=Loxodonta africana (2000 Angola) perf=14.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Leo XIII perf=12.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Gregory VII perf=12.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Popes of the Millennium d=Pope Leo IX perf=12.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=Tsar Fyodor perf=12.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium perf=12.25
10/2/2000 12kz issue=Monarchs of the Millennium d=William IV of England perf=12.25
2/13/2001 12kz issue=25th Anniversary of Independence
2/13/2001 12kz issue=25th Anniversary of Independence