Desc: 60+5c
Currency: New Zealand dollar (100c=100s=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 3600
Second numerical value: 300
Users of this denom: Aitutaki (3 stamps, 1984-1986), Cook Islands (2 stamps, 1984), Niue (3 stamps, 1978), Penrhyn (3 stamps, 1981-1984)
Used by 11 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Niue 11/30/1978 60+5c issue=Christmas 1978 / 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Durer d=Celebration of the Rosary by Dürer
Niue 11/30/1978 60+5c issue=Christmas 1978 / 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Durer
Niue 11/30/1978 60+5c issue=Christmas 1978 / 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Durer
Penrhyn 11/30/1981 60+5c issue=International Year for Disabled Persons
Cook Islands 1/16/1984 60+5c issue=200th Anniversary of Manned Flight
Penrhyn 7/20/1984 60+5c issue=Olympics 1984
Aitutaki semipostal 7/24/1984 60+5c issue=Olympics 1984 semi perf=13x13.25
Aitutaki semipostal 9/14/1984 60+5c issue=Ausipex '84 semi d=Captain William Bligh perf=13.25
Penrhyn 11/15/1984 60+5c issue=Christmas 1984 d="Madonna and Child" - Palma the Older
Cook Islands 11/21/1984 60+5c issue=Christmas 1984 d="Virgin and Child with Saints" - Alvise …
Aitutaki 8/4/1986 60+5c issue=Stampex '86 d=Captain William Bligh perf=13.25