Desc: 14sh
Currency: Kenyan shilling (100c=1sh)
Numerical sorting value: 84000
Users of this denom: Kenya (17 stamps, 1992-1998)
Used by 17 stamps of Kenya: (See all uses as list)
2/6/1992 14sh issue=40th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II Accession perf=13.25x13.5
5/8/1992 14sh dt=Wild Animals (1992) d=Diceros bicornis (1992) perf=14.25
6/24/1992 14sh dt=Classic Cars (1992) perf=14.25
8/14/1992 14sh issue=Olympics 1992 perf=14.25
12/14/1992 14sh issue=Christmas 1992
1/25/1993 14sh dt=lighthouses (1993) d=Gingira Lake Victoria perf=14.25x14.5
2/22/1993 14sh issue=1993 dt=birds (1993 Kenya) d=Ploceus baglafecht reichenowi perf=14.75x14
7/1/1993 14sh issue=World Congress of Rehabilitation International perf=14.25
9/29/1995 14sh issue=25th Anniversary of I.C.I.P.E. d=tsetse fly perf=13.5
10/16/1995 14sh issue=50th Anniversary of Food and Agriculture Organization d=maize (1995) perf=13.5x13.75
1/5/1996 14sh issue=100th Anniversary of Modern Olympic Games, and Olympic Games - Atlanta, USA d=swimming perf=14
1/31/1996 14sh issue=Tourism 1996 perf=13.75x13.5
7/18/1996 14sh issue=Olympics 1996 perf=13.5x13.75
8/30/1996 14sh issue=Red Cross 1996 perf=14.25
10/31/1996 14sh issue=Lions Club International in Kenya perf=13.75x13.5
2/20/1997 14sh dt=locomotives (1997 Kenya) perf=13.75x13.5
12/8/1998 14sh issue=Daniel arap Moi's 5th Presidential Term d=President Arap Moi holding Constitution perf=13.5