Desc: 0.22l
Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 1320
Users of this denom: Bulgaria (16 stamps, 2000-2001)
Used by 16 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)
9/1/2000 0.22l dt=New Churches d=St Atanasii perf=14x13.75
9/25/2000 0.22l dt=animals (2000 Bulgaria) d=Ovis ammon (2000) perf=13
10/17/2000 0.22l dt=spring flowers (2000) d=Hepatica nobilis (2000) perf=13x13.25
11/28/2000 0.22l dt=Bulgarian medals d=Alexander Order perf=13
11/28/2000 0.22l issue=2000th Anniversary of the Birth of Christ d=Tsar Boris I perf=13.25
11/28/2000 0.22l issue=2000th Anniversary of the Birth of Christ d=Sofroni Wratschanski perf=13.25
12/8/2000 0.22l issue=120th Anniversary of the High Court Act d=Seal of the Supreme Court of Auditors perf=13x13.25
1/8/2001 0.22l issue=New Millennium d=Figure after an Illustration of Leonardo da Vinci perf=13
1/8/2001 0.22l issue=100th Anniversary of the Electric Train in Bulgaria
2/17/2001 0.22l issue=Wines and Wine Regions perf=13
3/1/2001 0.22l issue=Bulgaria and the Information Society perf=13
4/18/2001 0.22l issue=Water
5/1/2001 0.22l issue=125th Anniversary of the April Uprising / 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Todor Kableshkov perf=13
5/24/2001 0.22l issue=Bulgarian Red Book of Endangered Animals and Plants Species - Egyptian Vulture d=Neophron percnopterus (2001) perf=13
6/29/2001 0.22l issue=Famous Sportsmen of the 20th Century perf=13.25
7/24/2001 0.22l issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Aleksandar Zendov and Ilija Beshkov perf=13