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46dr denom (#27147)

  • Colnect-176-499-Christmas---The-adoration-of-the-Magi.jpg
  • Colnect-176-760-Aesop--s-Fables---The-Ass-in-a-lion--s-skin-and-the-Fox.jpg
Desc: 46dr

Currency: Greek drachma (100l=1dr=1d)

Numerical sorting value: 4600

Users of this denom: Greece (2 stamps, 1986-1987)

Used by 2 stamps of Greece: (See all uses as list)

12/1/1986 46dr issue=Christmas 1986
3/5/1987 46dr issue=Fables of Aesop d=Aesops Fables - The Ass in a lions skin & the Fox