Desc: 40dr
Currency: Greek drachma (100l=1dr=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 4000
Equivalent denoms: 40d (12)
Users of this denom: Greece (17 stamps, 1986-1999)
Used by 17 stamps of Greece: (See all uses as list)
2/17/1986 40dr issue=Greek Gods dt=Greek Gods d=Hephaestus
3/3/1986 40dr dt=Sport Events
4/23/1986 40dr issue=100th Anniversary of the 1st of May Demonstration in Chicago perf=12.5
3/5/1987 40dr issue=Fables of Aesop d=Aesops Fables - The Woodcutter & Hermes
5/4/1987 40dr issue=Europa 1987
5/4/1987 40dr issue=Capodistria University in Athens
6/3/1987 40dr issue=European Basketball Championship 1987 b
7/1/1987 40dr dt=Temple Pillars
10/1/1987 40dr issue=Greek Victory at the European Basketball Championship perf=13x13.75
12/2/1987 40dr issue=Greek Theatre dt=Greek actors (1987) d=Katina Paxinou in The Sacrifice of Abraham of VKornaro perf=14x13.25
3/2/1988 40dr dt=marine life (1988 Greece) d=Diaperoecia major
10/12/1992 40dr dt=Capitals of Prefectures d=Canea
10/5/1994 40dr dt=Capitals of Prefectures d=Kastoria
10/31/1997 40dr dt=Personalities (1997 Greece) d=Odysseus Elytis perf=13.25
10/26/1998 40dr issue=500th Anniversary of the Greek Orthodox Commmunity in Venice
2/19/1999 40dr issue=International Ocean Year d=map of Mediterranean sea currents & trireme perf=13x13.25
12/13/1999 40dr dt=Greek military vehicles d=F-16s perf=13.75x13.25