Desc: 700p
Currency: Argentine peso (100c=8r=1$a=1$=1pa=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 4200000
Users of this denom: Argentina (8 stamps, 1980)
Used by 8 stamps of Argentina: (See all uses as list)
10/11/1980 700p issue=Anti-smoking Campaign d=Cigarette & heart
10/11/1980 700p issue=National Marian Congress, Mendoza
11/1/1980 700p issue=Radio Amateurs
11/1/1980 700p issue=50th Anniversary of the Technical Military Academy
11/29/1980 700p ol&redbrn issue=Christmas 1980 / 150th Anniversary of the Appearance of the Holy Virgin to Saint Catherine Laboure
11/29/1980 700p issue=Christmas 1980 / 150th Anniversary of the Appearance of the Holy Virgin to Saint Catherine Laboure perf=13.75
12/13/1980 700p issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of Simon Bolivar d=Simon Bolivar (1980 Argentina) perf=13.75
12/15/1980 700p bl&blk perf=13.5