Desc: 2.00sh
Currency: Somali shilling (100c=1sh=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 12000
Equivalent denoms: 2,00sh (1), 2sh (8)
Users of this denom: Somalia (11 stamps, 1974-1985)
Used by 11 stamps of Somalia: (See all uses as list)
6/12/1974 2.00sh issue=10th Anniversary of Organization of African Unity perf=13.5x14
10/21/1974 2.00sh issue=5th Anniversary of 21 October Revolution d=Somalis reading books
12/30/1976 2.00sh issue=Shells 1976 d=Cymatium ranzani perf=14x13.5
8/30/1977 2.00sh issue=2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Cultures perf=14x13.75
9/30/1977 2.00sh issue=1st Anniversary of Somali Socialist Revolutionary Party perf=13.5x14
11/25/1977 2.00sh issue=Protected Animals 1977 d=Strepsiceros strepsiceros perf=14x13.5
12/23/1977 2.00sh issue=30th Anniversary of I.C.A.O. d=ICAO emblem & Wright brothers plane perf=14x13.5
4/30/1978 2.00sh issue=Palestine Freedom-Fighters d=Dome of the Rock perf=13.5x14
8/31/1984 2.00sh issue=Mammals 1984 d=Mungos mungo (1984) perf=14x13.25
10/15/1985 2.00sh issue=Architecture 1985 perf=13.25x14
10/25/1985 2.00sh issue=Italia '85 perf=14x14.25