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55s denom (#2691)

  • Colnect-1725-555-Acacia-Pied-Barbet%C2%A0Tricholaema-leucomelaina.jpg
  • Colnect-2866-034-Pope-giving-communion.jpg
  • Colnect-4203-635-Starry-Night-by-Vincent-Van-Gogh.jpg
  • Colnect-2865-423-Shooting.jpg
  • Colnect-3878-310-De-Havilland-DHC-6-Otter.jpg
  • Colnect-4201-758-Snowfall-on-the-Kisokaido-Near-Oi.jpg
  • Colnect-2931-804-Suillus-granulatus.jpg
  • Colnect-4182-552-Buzz-Aldrin.jpg
  • Colnect-3096-969-Christ-in-the-House-of-Martha-and-Mary.jpg
  • Colnect-2865-430-Germany-1974.jpg
  • Colnect-1736-287-Ringed-Pansy-Precis-oenone.jpg
  • Colnect-2859-662-Piers-for-bridge-construction-2m-Road-construction-5m-Dr.jpg
  • Colnect-2859-666-Oral-rehydration.jpg
  • Colnect-2865-436-200-meter-Race.jpg
  • Colnect-2861-464-Painting-by-Rubens.jpg
  • Colnect-3237-209-Sigourney-Weaver-Gorillas-in-the-Mist.jpg
Desc: 55s

Currency: Lesotho loti (100s=1l=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 3300

Users of this denom: Lesotho (17 stamps, 1988-1991)

Used by 17 stamps of Lesotho: (See all uses as list)

4/5/1988 55s issue=1988 dt=birds (1988 Lesotho) d=Acacia Pied BarbetĀ  perf=15
9/1/1988 55s issue=Papal visit d=Pope giving communion
10/17/1988 55s issue=Paintings 1988 d=Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
11/11/1988 55s issue=Olympics 1988 d=Shooting
1/30/1989 55s issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross d=De Havilland DHC-6 Otter (1989)
6/19/1989 55s issue=Death of Emperor Hirohito d=Snowfall on the Kisokaido Near Oi
9/8/1989 55s dt=mushrooms (1989 Lesotho) d=Suillus granulatus (1989)
11/6/1989 55s issue=20th Anniversary of First Manned Moon Landing d=Buzz Aldrin
12/18/1989 55s issue=Christmas 1989 d=Christ in the House of Martha & Mary
12/27/1989 55s issue=World Cup 1990
2/26/1990 55s issue=Butterflies of Lesotho 1990 dt=butterflies (1990 Lesotho) d=Precis oenone perf=14.25
3/12/1990 55s dt=orchids (1990 Lesotho) d=Herschelia graminifolia perf=14.25
8/24/1990 55s issue=Highland water project d=Piers for bridge construction 2m Road construction 5m Dr perf=14.25
9/26/1990 55s issue=Save the Children campaign d=oral rehydration
10/5/1990 55s issue=Olympics 1992 in 1990 d=200-meter Race
12/5/1990 55s issue=Christmas 1990 dt=paintings by Rubens (1990 Lesotho) d=Head of one of the Three Kings perf=13.75
6/20/1991 55s issue=Africa in Film d=Sigourney Weaver Gorillas in the Mist

All are wmk=basuto hat