Desc: 15nd
Currency: Yugoslav dinar (100pa=100p=1din=1d=1nd)
Numerical sorting value: 90000
Equivalent denoms: 15d (86), 15din (13)
Users of this denom: Yugoslavia (11 stamps, 1999-2001)
Used by 11 stamps of Yugoslavia: (See all uses as list)
5/5/1999 15nd issue=Europa 1999 perf=11.75x12
5/13/1999 15nd issue=Nature and Natural Parks perf=11.75x12
10/1/1999 15nd issue=Joy of Europe 1999 perf=13.75
11/19/1999 15nd issue=Millennium perf=13.75
5/2/2000 15nd issue=JUFIZ X perf=13.25
2/16/2001 15nd issue=175th Anniversary of Matica Srpska perf=13.75
6/8/2001 15nd issue=100th Anniversary of the Mountaineering Association of Serbia perf=13.25
9/19/2001 15nd issue=YU Solar: Energy Saving perf=13.25
10/24/2001 15nd issue=Stamp Day 2001 perf=13.25
11/18/2001 15nd issue=100th Anniversary of Pljevlje Gymansium perf=13.25
11/20/2001 15nd issue=100th Anniversary of Public Telephone Booths in Serbia perf=13.25