Prev: 38.00b (Venezuelan bolívar)
Next: 40.00b (Venezuelan bolívar)

40b denom (#26690)

  • Colnect-4165-199-Malpighia-glabra.jpg
  • Colnect-4162-739-Licania-pyrofolia-Apure.jpg
  • Colnect-4165-204-Erythrina-fusca.jpg
  • Colnect-1779-063-Medallion-of-George-Washington-1826.jpg
  • Colnect-4167-407-Coastline.jpg
  • Colnect-4167-528-Flags.jpg
  • Colnect-4172-607-Statue-by-Francisco-de-Vergara.jpg
  • Colnect-6008-051-Jules-Waldman-Linguist-and-Journalist.jpg
  • Colnect-1774-873-Mendocella-Jorisiana.jpg
  • Colnect-1774-874-Cochleanthes-Discolor.jpg
  • Colnect-2648-197-Paramaconi-and-Pedro-Centeno.jpg
  • Colnect-3052-156-Two-Girls-in-Colorful-Room.jpg
  • Colnect-3052-157-Classroom.jpg
  • Colnect-6064-969-Sim%C3%B3n-Bol%C3%ADvar.jpg
  • Colnect-6064-970-Sim%C3%B3n-Bol%C3%ADvar.jpg
  • Colnect-6011-867-Sighting-land.jpg
  • Colnect-1775-629-The-Long-Journey--Gloria-Fiallo-.jpg
  • Colnect-1775-628-Imago-Mundi--Alessandro-Grechi-.jpg
  • Colnect-2757-416-Workmen-under-Tower.jpg
  • Colnect-2106-661-Two-Panare-Childrens-Performing-in-Katyayinto-Ceremony.jpg
  • Colnect-2106-662-Panare-Man-With-Nose-Flute.jpg
  • Colnect-2106-663-Taurepan-Man-in-Canoe.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-790-Sobralia-violacea.jpg
  • Colnect-2995-791-Sobralia-infundibuligera.jpg
  • Colnect-3052-147-Battle-of-Pichincha.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-043-Battle-of-Pichincha-Top-Fragment.jpg
  • Colnect-3893-875-Preparing-the-Christmas-dinner--Hallaca-.jpg
  • Colnect-3893-876-Preparing-the-Christmas-dinner--Hallaca-.jpg
  • Colnect-534-693-Christmas-pageant.jpg
  • Colnect-534-694-Children-skating.jpg
  • Colnect-405-500-Pope-and-Man-woman-baby.jpg
  • Colnect-405-501-Pope-and-Elderly-man.jpg
  • Colnect-5549-232-Sim%C3%B3n-Bol%C3%ADvar.jpg
Desc: 40b

Currency: Venezuelan bolívar (100c=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 240000

Equivalent denoms: 40.00b (2)

Users of this denom: Venezuela (36 stamps, 1990-1997)

Used by 36 stamps of Venezuela: (See all uses as list)

6/27/1990 40b issue=20th Anniversary of Bank of Venezuela dt=trees & state arms d=Malpighia glabra perf=12
6/27/1990 40b issue=20th Anniversary of Bank of Venezuela dt=trees & state arms d=Lycania pyrofolia perf=12
6/27/1990 40b issue=20th Anniversary of Bank of Venezuela dt=trees & state arms d=Erythrina fusca (1990 Venezuela) perf=12
10/15/1990 40b issue=50th Anniversary of Central Bank perf=12
12/12/1990 40b issue=America 1990 perf=12
12/21/1990 40b issue=30th Anniversary of O.P.E.C. perf=12
4/12/1991 40b issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Ignatius of Loyola perf=12
7/4/1991 40b grnbl&blk issue=50th Anniversary of American-Venezuelan Cultural Centre d=Jules Waldman perf=12
8/22/1991 40b dt=orchids (1991 Venezuela) d=Mendocella jorisiana perf=12
8/22/1991 40b dt=orchids (1991 Venezuela) d=Cochleanthes discolor perf=12
10/24/1991 40b issue=America 1991 dt=paintings by Pedro Centeno d="Paramaconi Chieftain and Garcia Gonzalez perf=12
10/31/1991 40b issue=25th Anniversary of Children's Foundation perf=12
10/31/1991 40b issue=25th Anniversary of Children's Foundation perf=12
11/14/1991 40b issue=1991 provisional oc=blk on=0.50b
11/14/1991 40b issue=1991 provisional oc=blk on=0.75b
12/12/1991 40b issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus, 1992 perf=12
3/15/1992 40b issue=Expo '92 d=The Long Journey Gloria Fiallo perf=12
3/15/1992 40b issue=Expo '92 d=Imago-Mundi Alessandro Grechi perf=12
7/15/1992 40b issue=Electricity Distribution in the South perf=12
7/23/1992 40b issue="Offering to My Race" - Mateo Manaure - Designs showing various "Mother" Figures
7/23/1992 40b issue="Offering to My Race" - Mateo Manaure - Designs showing various "Mother" Figures
11/25/1993 40b dt=Amerindians (1993) d=Two Panare Childrens Performing in Katyayinto Ceremony perf=12.25x12
11/25/1993 40b dt=Amerindians (1993) d=Panare Man With nose flute perf=12.25x12
11/25/1993 40b dt=Amerindians (1993) d=Taurepan Man in Canoe perf=12.25x12
5/19/1994 40b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Sobralia violacea perf=12
5/19/1994 40b issue=orchids 1994 dt=orchids (1994 Venezuela) d=Sobralia infundibuligera perf=12
5/19/1994 40b prusbl issue=1994 dt=Personalities (1994) d=Christobal Mendoza
2/2/1995 40b issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio Jose de Sucre d="Battle of Pichincha" - top detail perf=12
2/2/1995 40b issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio Jose de Sucre d="Battle of Pichincha" - bottom detail perf=12
11/15/1995 40b issue=Christmas 1995 perf=12x12.25
11/15/1995 40b issue=Christmas 1995 perf=12x12.25
11/15/1995 40b issue=Christmas 1995 perf=12x12.25
11/15/1995 40b issue=Christmas 1995 perf=12x12.25
1/26/1996 40b issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II d=Pope & Man woman baby perf=12
1/26/1996 40b issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II d=Pope & Elderly man perf=12
3/7/1997 40b dkbrn issue=1997 d=Simon Bolivar (1997) perf=13.5x13