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B denom (#26684)

  • Colnect-639-526-Architectural-landmarks.jpg
  • Colnect-639-528-Architectural-landmarks.jpg
Desc: B

Currency: Turkmenistan manat (100t=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms: A (9), D (1), G (5), M (24), O (1), S (1), T (4), U (1), Y (4)

Users of this denom: Turkmenistan (5 stamps, 2001-2010)

Used by 5 stamps of Turkmenistan: (See all uses as list)

4/24/2001 B dt=National Symbols
2/9/2003 B d=mosque
2/25/2004 B
12/12/2010 B issue=15th Anniversary of Neutrality
12/12/2010 B issue=15th Anniversary of Neutrality