Desc: 60+30c
Currency: Surinamese guilder (100ct=100c=1g=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 3600
Second numerical value: 1800
Users of this denom: Surinam (22 stamps, 1978-1993)
Used by 22 stamps of Surinam: (See all uses as list)
3/22/1978 60+30c issue=Easter 1978 perf=12.75x14
11/22/1978 60+30c issue=Child Welfare 1978 perf=14x12.75
4/11/1979 60+30c issue=Easter 1979 perf=12.75x14
11/21/1979 60+30c mar issue=Child Welfare 1979 perf=12.75x14
3/26/1980 60+30c issue=Easter 1980 perf=12.75x14
11/5/1980 60+30c issue=Child Welfare 1980
4/8/1981 60+30c issue=Easter 1981 perf=13x14
11/26/1981 60+30c issue=Child Welfare 1981 perf=12.75x14
4/9/1987 60+30c issue=Easter 1987 d="Christ carried to His Tomb" - Rembrandt perf=12.75x14
11/4/1987 60+30c issue=Child Welfare 1987 perf=12.75x14
3/23/1988 60+30c issue=Easter 1988 perf=12.75x13.25
10/26/1988 60+30c issue=125th Anniversary of Red Cross perf=12.75x14
12/5/1988 60+30c issue=25th Anniversary of Child Welfare Stamps perf=14x12.75
3/21/1989 60+30c issue=Easter 1989 perf=13.25
12/6/1989 60+30c issue=Child Welfare 1989
3/28/1990 60+30c issue=Easter 1990
12/4/1990 60+30c issue=Youth Welfare 1990 dt=children's drawings (1990 Surinam)
3/20/1991 60+30c issue=Easter 1991
12/4/1991 60+30c issue=Youth Welfare 1991 dt=Children's Drawings (1991 Surinam) d=Mother pushing daughter in wheelchair
3/18/1992 60+30c issue=Easter 1992
12/3/1992 60+30c issue=Youth Welfare 1992 dt=Children's Drawings (1992 Surinam)
3/31/1993 60+30c issue=Easter 1993
All are semipostal