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1234 denom (#26310)

  • Colnect-4264-119-Honouring-Japanese-Postal-Centenary-1871-1971.jpg
Desc: 1234

Currency: Tongan paʻanga (100s=100c=1pa=1t$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 74040

Users of this denom: Tonga (3 stamps, 1968-1971)

Used by 3 stamps of Tonga: (See all uses as list)

12/19/1968 1234 yelgrn issue=South Pacific Games Field and Track Trials
12/19/1968 1234 ultra issue=South Pacific Games Field and Track Trials
4/17/1971 1234 grn&red issue=Philatokyo '71 d=Airmail

All are wmk=mult crown & script CA