Desc: 2k
Currency: Papua New Guinean kina (100t=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 12000
Equivalent denoms: 2.00k (7)
Users of this denom: Papua New Guinea (73 stamps, 1977-2019)
Used by 73 stamps of Papua New Guinea: (See all uses as list)
1/12/1977 2k dt=headdresses
6/15/1987 2k issue=1987 dt=sailing ships (1987 Papua New Guinea) d="Merrie England" 1889
9/2/1992 2k issue=1991 dt=birds of paradise d=Lophorina superba
6/25/1997 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Wedding of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip d=Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Phillip
10/12/2001 2k issue=25th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Papua New Guinea and China
12/12/2001 2k dt=provincial flags (2001) d=flag of New Ireland Province
2/6/2002 2k issue=50th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II Accession
2/6/2002 2k issue=50th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II Accession
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
7/24/2002 2k issue=Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother memorial
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium bracteosum
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Calochilus campestris
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Anastomus oscitans (orchid)
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Thelymitra carnea
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium macrophyllum (2002)
8/28/2002 2k dt=orchids (2002 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium johnsoniae
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
4/30/2003 2k issue=50th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
6/18/2003 2k issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Prince William
7/24/2003 2k issue=Coastal Villages dt=Coastal Villages d=Hanuabada
11/19/2003 2k issue=dolphins 2003 dt=dolphins (2003 Papua New Guinea) d=Orcaella brevirostris (2003)
2/25/2004 2k issue=Prehistoric Animals 2004 dt=prehistoric animals (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Tyranosaurus
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Bulbophyllum macranthum
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium cruttwellii
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium coeloglossum
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium alaticaulinum
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium obtusisepalum
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium johnsoniae
5/19/2004 2k issue=Orchids 2004 dt=orchids (2004 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium insigne (2004)
5/18/2005 2k issue=Mushrooms 2005 dt=mushrooms (2005 Papua New Guinea) d=Amanita muscaria (2005)
5/18/2005 2k issue=Mushrooms 2005 dt=mushrooms (2005 Papua New Guinea) d=Amanita rubescens (2005)
5/18/2005 2k issue=Mushrooms 2005 dt=mushrooms (2005 Papua New Guinea) d=Suillus luteus (2005)
5/18/2005 2k issue=Mushrooms 2005 dt=mushrooms (2005 Papua New Guinea) d=Stropharia cubensis
5/18/2005 2k issue=Mushrooms 2005 dt=mushrooms (2005 Papua New Guinea) d=Aseroe rubra (2005)
(plus 23 more) (See all uses as list)