Desc: 2000dh
Currency: Libyan dinar (1000dh=1din) Numerical sorting value: 120000 Users of this denom: Libya (5 stamps, 1990-2010) Used by 5 stamps of Libya: (See all uses as list) 12/4/1990 2000dh issue=World Food Day 9/1/1992 2000dh issue=1992b d=Muammar al-Gaddafi 7/1/1998 2000dh issue=Irrigation Project "Great Man-made River" 1998 5/20/2003 2000dh issue=34th Anniversary of September Revolution d=MInisheet(124 x 95mm) 8/28/2010 2000dh issue=22nd Anniversary of the Green Document of Human Rights d=Martin Luther King 1929-1968 & speech |